A great summary. Thank you. I particularly liked the final paragraphs - reminding us that the Tories were so in thrall to Johnsonism, they continued to try to use slogans instead of policies long after he'd been kicked out of office. And it just goes to show that they've learned nothing from the July trouncing. Same old tired Tory ideology. It failed then, and it will continue to fail.

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I keep thinking of a statistic I heard from Alistair Campbell, that the uk used to have twenty working age people for every one pensioner and now it’s three. Why don’t we hear this in the immigration debate?

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She also fails to mention that the "dormitories and hotels" if they exist were owned by Tory donors who made a fat fortune sucking on the public teat for overpriced accommodation. Next she'll go full Reform and suggest that out of work Brits should do all the jobs done by immigrants, thus cutting the benefit bill. Everything is easy if you just ignore reality completely, it's called the Clarkson method "How hard can it be?". The answer is, very!!

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