Thanks for helping me make some sense of what is going on. I despair but your piece has bloen gently over the embers of hope that still remain inside me (and hopefully others). Go gently.

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If it reminds me of anything, it's Alice Through the Looking Glass.

Same capricious willful disregard of logic.

Same introduction of strange and unnatural elements into the rhetoric.

Same occasional segue into a kind of poetry.

And, from mine and Alice's point of view, same infuriating sway over other characters.

Alice found that the only way to stay sane was to follow the drift.

But, and this is where she was the lucky one, there was a looking glass to reverse through.

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Great piece., very though provoking.

Much as we despair at Trump's triumph, his message & his methods, it would be disingenuous to think ourselves somehow better, more intelligent than the millions who voted for him. Patently not all are stupid, neither are all looking to personally benefit from his win (as he no doubt will) so that has to mean he is offering (to his voters) something unseen, something unreported, something unconsidered. Perhaps he offers them a form of hope they didn't feel able to connect to with the other side?

To me this win has many similarities with our recent election. Did a party win or did we instead choose the least offensive alternative? For the UK, Trumps success is a potentially devastating early signpost to the parasite Farage for our political future if Labour do not take heed, acknowledge & action the collective voice of the UK people. A proper Government's role can only ever be to do the right thing not the popular thing...

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